Terms and conditions.
ODT Journeys are proud to offer the ‘Sir Edmund Hillary Explorer’. The 'Sir Edmund Hillary Explorer' Tour is organised by Pounamu Tourism Group Limited (PTG) in partnership with Steam Incorporated. PTG is a New Zealand owned and registered company. All transactions are completed in New Zealand dollars.
PTG accept no responsibility for variations to any arrival or departure. However, every attempt will be made to keep passengers fully informed of any alterations to the schedule.
All passengers must arrive within a reasonable time before the scheduled time for departure of the train.
Departure of the train will not be delayed because of the late arrival of passengers.
PTG does not guarantee the availability of any seat or any specific area within a carriage to any passenger.
PTG reserve the right to substitute motive power or rolling stock if operational needs require it.
Ticket prices are subject to change.
Sir Edmund Hillary Explorer Tour cancellation policy:
In the event the passenger cancels a tour, the following fees apply prior to departure:
60 days or more prior to departure, 10% of the tour package price (the deposit);
Between 30 and 59 days prior to departure, 50% of the tour package price;
Less than 30 days prior to departure, 100% of the tour package price.
In the event that Pounamu Tourism Group cancels the tour, 100% refund will apply.
No refunds will be given in the event of breakdown or delay after joining the train.
If due to COVID, we are forced to cancel the "Sir Edmund Hillary Explorer" tour, then we will either postpone the tour and credit bookings towards a later date, or provide refunds. If, for example, passengers were stranded in their city of origin due to the COVID “Traffic Light System” and were unable to make their way to departure points at Christchurch to start the tour, then we would credit them for the next tour or provide a refund. We are permitted to continue with the tour at all traffic light levels as we are not considered public transport.
Passengers must:
Ride only in areas of the train designated by PTG.
Wear suitable footwear. Passengers wearing sandals (or any shoes that are not enclosed) will not be permitted on the viewing balconies of the train.
Act in a safe and responsible manner;
Observe all instructions from PTG’s staff;
Follow all signs and obey all notices;
Passengers may not:
Smoke on board the train;
Consume alcohol other than is sold on the train;
Use emergency equipment or emergency exits except in an emergency;
Behave in a disruptive manner;
Cause to damage any property of PTG or its partners.
PTG or Steam Incorporated may refuse to carry a passenger if the passenger poses a risk to other passengers (intoxicated, under the influence of drugs or carrying a weapon).
For safety reasons, all passengers must comply with any notice or instruction given by PTG, Steam Incorporated and its representatives regarding passenger conduct or during the operation service or entry into a controlled area.
Passengers travel at their own risk. Neither PTG and nor any of its partners, Steam Incorporated, KiwiRail, Federation of Rail Organisations of NZ, bus companies and venue owners accept responsibility for loss, damage, cost or injury to passengers and their belongings.
PTG is not liable to a passenger or any other person:
For any consequences arising from any variation or delay in the time of arrival or departure from any station or stop of any vehicle;
For any loss or damage as a result of a cancellation or any variation of the time of arrival or departure from any station or stop of any vehicle;
For damage to any property of a passenger; or
For the death of any passenger or other person or for injury, harm, disease or damage to health, whether physical, mental or otherwise (including mental or nervous shock or distress) suffered by a passenger or any other person.
PTG is not liable for any loss, damage or delay caused by or arising from an event beyond the control of PTG, including any act of God, inevitable accident, riot, civil commotion, strike, lock-out, stoppage or restraint of labour, regardless of the cause and whether partial or general.